What Is A Group Of Ants Called? (List Included)

Individuals who experience ant infestations in their home or business frequently inquire about the name for a collective group of ants.

A collective group of ants is called a colony or sometimes an army.

Ants are social insects with a queen and workers for foraging and caring for young.

 There are also soldier ants responsible for colony protection, and in the spring, flying ants may appear in or around your home.

List of collective nouns for a group of ants

Here are some collective nouns that can be used to refer to a group of ants:

  1. Colony of ants
  2. Army of ants
  3. Swarm of ants
  4. Nest of ants
  5. Horde of ants
  6. Cluster of ants
  7. Congregation of ants
  8. Trail of ants
  9. March of ants
  10. Plague of ants

Please note that while “colony” is the most commonly used collective noun for ants, other terms such as “army” and “swarm” are also frequently used to describe large groups of ants.

A Colony of Ants: Size, Location, Environment

Ant colonies can range in size from a few ants to millions, with an average of around 500,000 ants. 

Ants locate colonies underground or elsewhere if grouped, not all build anthills.

Ants work together in an efficient system, with the queen responsible for laying eggs and the males helping with small tasks and mating with the queen. 

Workers care for the young and soldiers defend the colony from external threats. This division of labor allows ants to achieve common goals as a group.

Ants Walking on Leaves

The Role of Queen Ant in an Ant Colony

Ant colonies vary in social structure, with some having a single queen and others having multiple queens.

The queen ant plays a crucial role in the colony, and the other ants will protect her at any cost. 

This is because she is the only one capable of laying eggs, which is essential for the survival and reproduction of the colony.

Ants protect the queen for their genes to survive and propagate, not out of love or affection.

After mating, the queen sheds her wings as they are no longer necessary, and her sole responsibility is to lay eggs. 

She has a large elastic abdomen that can stretch to accommodate the thousands of eggs she produces each day.

The queen can lay millions of eggs during her up to 30-year lifespan, securing the colony’s survival.

the responsibility of Male Ants in an ant colony

Compared to the queen, male ants are generally bigger and have similar wings and abdomen, although their abdomen is slender. 

Their primary role in the colony is to mate with the queen, after which they die, leaving her to establish a new colony. 

They do not have many other responsibilities and tend to spend their time inside the colony.

 Despite their limited role, they strive to mate with as many females as possible, as this is their sole purpose in life, and they have no future beyond mating.

Worker Ants and their duties in an Ant colony

The worker ants are an integral part of the ant colony as they tirelessly perform their assigned duties. 

The queen gives birth to female ants within the nest, who make up this group.

Their role is to maintain the smooth running of the colony, and they rarely venture far from the nest.

They take care of the queen, larvae, and pupae, as well as constructing tunnels and chambers to expand and secure the nest.

 Worker ants forage for food, which they store for the young and for times of scarcity. 

Additionally, they collect materials to fortify the colony against potential threats.

Worker ants constitute the largest portion of the group’s population, and they lack wings and are smaller than other group members.

 Although they possess small ovaries and can lay eggs, their ability to reproduce is limited because they don’t mate. 

Therefore, their eggs can only hatch female ants since the seed of a male ant is required for male offspring.

An Army of Ants and their characteristics

People reserve the term “army” for a unique set of over 200 ant species that exhibit specific characteristics.

Army ants exhibit aggressive foraging habits and predatory instincts, unlike other species that reside peacefully in their nests.

These ants do not construct permanent nests and are more nomadic in nature.

 They carry their nest with them, which is built on their own bodies and known as a bivouac

The army ant is also called the legion ant or the marabunta.

Ants on a Brown Surface

Do Ants Travel In Groups

Ants display remarkable coordination and behave like a single entity or superorganism as they travel in large groups called colonies or armies.

 Their activities may include foraging for food, colonising new habitats, or defending their community.

The size of an ant community, or colony, can vary greatly, ranging from a lone queen with a few male and female workers to supercolonies containing over a million queen ants.

Ants’ remarkable cooperative abilities allow them to function as an indomitable force in the natural world. 

As a superorganism they can achieve feats that individual ants or colonies cannot.

 Whether it’s escaping danger posed by humans, predators, or other ant species, or constructing intricate underground tunnels.

Ants can surmount almost any obstacle necessary for their survival.

Will Ants Leave Behind Others In Their Group

When travelling in a group, ants may unknowingly leave some members behind. 

However, if a distressed ant signals its presence through stress hormones, the others will come to its rescue.

 If such signals are not detected, the stranded worker ant will be left to die of starvation or become prey for other animals.

In case a member of the ant colony gets separated or lost, the only option for the worker ant is to find her way back to the colony.

The ant community will meet her with aggression and eventually kill her if she tries to enter another ant community because foreign ants are not welcome.

Ants use their sense of smell to detect strangers within their colony. 

Each colony has a unique scent that helps members recognize each other and identify outsiders.

In addition to using pheromones for communication within the colony, ants also follow these chemical trails to find food. 

Worker ants secrete pheromones that lead others to the food source and back to the colony. This behavior allows them to efficiently forage for meals as a group.

What is the role of Ant Swarmer in an Ant colony

These are the queen and king ants that have wings and fly out to mate. 

After mating, the queen ant finds a suitable place for the colony and begins digging out space for it. 

She lays eggs, which will develop into worker ants, and thus establish the colony. 

Notably, only female ants work as laborer’s in the colony, while male ants have only one purpose in life, which is to mate and then die. 


Ants are fascinating social insects that live in colonies led by a queen ant. 

They work together in an efficient system, with each ant having a specific role in the colony. 

Ants can be found in various places, from underground anthills to your home or business. 

The protection of the queen ant is crucial for the survival and reproduction of the colony, and her lifespan can last up to 30 years.

Ants serve as an excellent example of how social cooperation and division of labor can lead to a successful community.

Ants display a high level of communication and cooperation, allowing them to function as a superorganism capable of achieving incredible feats.

However, they also face various challenges such as predators and the risk of leaving members behind during travel.

Overall, ants continue to fascinate and inspire us with their unique way of life and the lessons we can learn from them about teamwork and collaboration.