Do Ants Eat Grass? Here’s What Science Says

close up photo of black ant in front of plant

You might be surprised to learn that, despite those ants you may have seen crawling across your yard, they don’t actually eat grass. Instead of eating grass, their diet typically consists of a variety of other things like leaves, nuts, and seeds.

Do Ants Eat Grass?

Ants do not eat grass. Ants are actually omnivores, meaning that they eat plants and animals, but not grass. While there are some species of ants that will eat other insects, most ants only consume plant matter.

So, what do ants exactly eat? Ants primarily eat seeds and honeydew, which is a sweet substance secreted by aphids. Some ant species also cultivate fungi or algae. However, the grass is not typically on the menu for these hardworking insects.

Why Don’t Ants Eat Grass?

There are a few reasons why ants may not eat grass. 

  • Ants typically prefer sweet foods over savory or grassy-tasting ones. 
  • The cellulose in plant matter is difficult for ants to digest. 
  • Ants typically live in nests underground, so they don’t have as much exposure to grass as other animals that live above ground.
  • Ants don’t have the right kind of mouthparts for grazing on plants. Their mouths are designed for chewing up small insects, not for nibbling on leaves or blades of grass.
  • Most species of ants live in hot, dry climates where there isn’t much vegetation, to begin with. There’s just not much opportunity for them to chow down on some greenery.

How Do Ants Damage The Grass?

Ants are often considered pests because they can damage the grass in your yard. The most common type of ant that damages grass is the fire ant. Fire ants are red and black, and they bite and sting.

They build their nests in the ground, and when they do, they can kill the grass by disturbing the roots.

Other types of ants that damage grass include carpenter ants and Argentine ants. Carpenter ants tunnel through wood, and if they find their way into your home, they can do serious damage to the structure. Argentine ants are invasive and destructive, and they will often build their nests in trees or shrubs. If these ants get into your yard, they can damage the grass by eating the roots.

How To Prevent Ants From Damaging The Grass?

As it turns out, ants are one of the many reasons why your grass might be looking a little worse for wear. While they don’t necessarily eat the grass itself, they can cause serious damage by tunneling through the roots and soil.

This not only weakens the grass but also makes it more susceptible to disease and pests.

So what can you do to prevent ants from destroying your lawn? Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep your lawn clean and free of debris. Ants are attracted to food scraps and other organic matter, so make sure to keep your lawn free of these things.
  2. Trim back any trees or shrubs that touch your lawn. Ants often use these as bridges to get onto your property.
  3. Use an insecticide specifically designed to kill ants. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, as some insecticides can be harmful to plants and animals if used improperly.

How Much Food Do Ants Eat?

Ants are able to consume a range of different food sources, but their diet mainly consists of sweets, such as honeydew, and other insects. Depending on the species of ant, they can also eat seeds, pollen, and even dead animals.

While the average adult human only needs about 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight, ants can get by on just 10-20% of that amount. This is because they have a very high metabolism that allows them to burn through food very quickly.

On average, an ant will eat about 3-5 times its own body weight each day. So, if an ant weighs in at 1 milligram (about 1000th of a gram), it would need to consume 3-5 milligrams of food each day to survive.

Do Ants Eat Grass Seeds?

Yes, ants are known to eat grass seeds. In fact, they are one of the most common seed predators in gardens and agricultural fields. The reason why they are attracted to grass seeds is that they contain a high amount of protein. This makes them a valuable food source for ants.

There are a few different species of ants that are known to eat grass seeds, but the most common one is the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis Invicta). These ants are native to South America, but they have been introduced to many other parts of the world through human activity.

They are considered to be a major pest in many areas because they will aggressively defend their territory and can cause serious harm to humans and animals if they bite or sting.

If you have an ant problem in your garden, it’s likely that they’re feeding on your grass seeds. To prevent this from happening, you can try using an ant bait trap. These traps contain a poison that only affects ants, so it won’t harm other animals or humans.

Do Ants Eat Leaves?

Ants can potentially eat grass leaves. In fact, some species of ants are specifically attracted to leafy foods. However, not all ants eat leaves. Some species prefer other types of food, such as seeds or honeydew (a sweet secretion produced by aphids).

Do Ants Eat Flowers?

Ants do eat flowers. In fact, they will consume just about any type of plant material, including leaves, stems, and roots.

While most people think of ants as pests that invade picnics and contaminate food, these industrious insects play an important role in the ecosystem by breaking down plant matter and recycling nutrients back into the soil.


Some people believe that ants eat grass, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Ants are attracted to sweet substances and proteins, so they are more likely to eat nectar or other insects. While it is possible that ants may nibble on grass occasionally, it is not a significant part of their diet.